Ramen Noodle Stir Fry
Uses: Broccoli, Carrots
This recipe is super easy but surprisingly good. The recipe calls for cauliflower but since we didn't have any this week, we used a little extra broccoli and carrots. We also added some onion.
1 cup chopped broccoli
1 cup chopped cauliflower
1 carrot sliced thin
2 packages ramen noodles
nonstick vegetable spray
2-3 T soy sauce (optional)
1 2/3 cup water
Wash broccoli and cauliflower. Cut into small bite size pieces. Peel and slice carrot.
Before opening the ramen packets, crush packet and break up noodles. Pour noodles into a bowl and set aside.
Spray frying pan with nonstick vegetable spray while on the burner with medium heat. Let the frying pan warm for 30 seconds.
Add the vegetables.
Stir fry the vegeatbles for about one minute.
Stire in the borken noodles, contents of the seasoning packets, and water.
Bring mixture to a boil. Lower heat to medium low and simmer with the lid on for 3-5 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed. Stir twice during cooking.
Serve. Add soy sauce if desired.
Spicy Pear Cookies
Uses: Pear
I usually leave out the raisins and walnuts in this recipe, just out of personal preference.
Fruit Tarts
Uses: Pear

We still had some plums left over from a previous basket so I used those as well. You could also use peaches, bananas, etc.
1 package ready-made puff pastry
~3 T melted butter
1 pear
4 plums
Warmed, strained apricot jam
Set the oven to 425 degrees. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface until it is about 1/8" thick.
Cut circles out of the pastry around a dish or lid. (I did four 6" tarts with a good amount of pastry left over--if you did a little bit smaller tarts you could probably do eight.)
Slice the plums and pear thinly. Then brush the pastry with melted butter and arrange slice of fruit on the circles.
Brush the prepared fruit with butter and sprinkle sugar on top.
Bake the tarts for 20 minutes, until the pastry is crisp and the fruit cooked. Put them on a wire rack to cool.
When the tarts have cooled, brush the fruit with a little melted, strained apricot jam to glaze the tarts.
I usually leave out the raisins and walnuts in this recipe, just out of personal preference.
Fruit Tarts
Uses: Pear
1 package ready-made puff pastry
~3 T melted butter
1 pear
4 plums
Warmed, strained apricot jam
Set the oven to 425 degrees. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface until it is about 1/8" thick.
Cut circles out of the pastry around a dish or lid. (I did four 6" tarts with a good amount of pastry left over--if you did a little bit smaller tarts you could probably do eight.)
Slice the plums and pear thinly. Then brush the pastry with melted butter and arrange slice of fruit on the circles.
Brush the prepared fruit with butter and sprinkle sugar on top.
Bake the tarts for 20 minutes, until the pastry is crisp and the fruit cooked. Put them on a wire rack to cool.
When the tarts have cooled, brush the fruit with a little melted, strained apricot jam to glaze the tarts.
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