Uses from this basket: Bananas
Other produce: Lemon
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Peel the bananas. Cut each banana into thin slices, about 1/8-inch thick. Coat your cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
Pour a little lemon juice into a bowl. Dip the banana slices into the juice before placing them on the cookie sheet. Don't crowd the slices -- arrange them in a single layer.
Place the cookie sheet in the oven. Bake the banana slices for about 2 hours.
Remove the cookie sheet from the oven, flip the banana slices and bake them for another hour or two. Remove the banana chips when they're brown and crispy. Sprinkle with sugar or salt if desired (I used Splenda on mine). Remove from pan and let cool.
I tried this again without the lemon juice and it still worked just fine (in fact I like it better because the finished product doesn't have that tart lemon taste).