Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6/11/2011 Basket - French Onion Soup

Is it just me, or does anyone else agree that we seem to get an incredible amount of onions in our baskets?!  I guess they are cheap, but I typically use 1-2 onions a week, and I seem to get five times that in almost every basket.  Okay, every other basket. Anyway, I'm not really complaining, so much as making an observation. I can use the onions if I try to. And I do.  'Cause I'm cheap like that.

So, I know that Sven already posted this exact same recipe, but I came across it independently several years ago and it really is the best one.  It deserves two posts.  Mostly because I took a picture.

Rich and Simple French Onion Soup
Uses: Onions.  Lots and lots of onions.


(By the way, ignore when the recipe says  "do not brown the onions."  You most definitely SHOULD brown the onions.  It takes a good 15+ minutes, but you should get those onions good and brown.  The soup is infinitely better with caramelized onions.)

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